# of watchers: 12
Fans: 0
| D20: 14 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: oh because my mom needs to buy stuff there and i have more than $100
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: i would go to the mall...but it could be the fact that i am wanting something so bad from the mall right now that all i can thing about....lol
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: lol kool
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: lol. but why dont you go to the mall?
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: ...
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: nvm.
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: hiiiiiiiiiii kimmi
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hi all
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: who is kimmi?
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: me i am kimmi
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: [Dark Demon's Rose] is kimmi
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: HIIII Autumn!
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: ANDREW! *glomps andrew*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: WYAGHAGH!!! **runs away**
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: um.....okay.
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *chases andrew*
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *jumps on andrews back*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: MUST... GET AWAY!!! **climbs the tree and falls**
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *sits on andrew*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: ummm... **climbs tree again**
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: wow....
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *follows andrew*
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *is still on andrews back*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: **jumps in pool and holds onto the bottom**
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *jumps on andrew*
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *dances to "The Mexican Hat Dance' underwater*
2006-08-06 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay im bored
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: **goes unconscious**
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *brings andrew up above water*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: **rolls back into the pool**
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *bring him up again*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: **rolls back into the pool**
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *again*
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: **pukes water out and rolls back into the pool**
2006-08-06 [bring sarah the horizon.]: this is a little scary.
2006-08-06 [spartan glory]: **gets out of the water and climbs up the tree**
2006-08-06 [Hinata-Chan]: *again*
2006-08-07 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: o_o
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hi all i am at a friends house so i wont be on long but i am on and i will caht with ppl but i am really happy because today is my birthday
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: hi
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hey rob
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: hello you get my message
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: when did u send it??
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: today
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: well i will look and see if i got it
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: it said happy b-day
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: yea i got it and thanxs
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hey i am gonna get off here for a bit and check my myspace so i might be back on tonight or not so if im not i will talk to u towmarrow
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: npp
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay i am back if u want to talk *hugs rob*
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *meep*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: *pokes Autumn and stands in front of her, smiles and waves*
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *pokes andrew*
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: ANDREW! *glomps*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: WYAGH!!!! **has seizure from poking and glomping**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: lol*pokes*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **foams at the mouth**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *pokes*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **gets up and climbs the tree**
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: hello
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *screams*
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *runs away and hides*
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *screams louder*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **plugs my ears up and falls asleep**
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *runs and lays on andrew and wrap my arms tightly around him*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **falls off the tree limb and holds my knee**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *screams louder in horror as kim is being a weirdo*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **climbs back up in the treelimb and falls asleep**
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: I AM NOT A WEIDO!!!!!!!!!
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: I wouldn't say that Kimmie...
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: haha andrew i kno u think im weird everyone does *runs away crying*
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *runs around in circles* weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *still runnig away crying*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **falls back asleep**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *falls on my head* ow *gets up and runs around in circles again* weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: i see no one cares about me anymore whateva
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: whatever i dont care about myself anymore i wish i would die
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *falls on my head again* ow
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: ouch
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: lol
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: help
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: i wish i would die
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: ow help
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: cow_girl no one is giving you sympathy so stop looking for it. quit saying you want to die. please.
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: well no one wants to talk to me anymore soo
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: well..thats still no reason to keep saying over and over that you wanna die. just a little advice...even thou it may seem to get some people to talk to you, they wont later on when you do it over and over. just talk civly.
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: well autumn kno y i say iot becuase she knos what is going on righ tnow in my life
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: yes i do and CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME UP?!?!?!?!?!?!
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: whats wrong?
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: autumn can u tell her what is wroing with me and u can say in on here
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: mm...who is autumn?
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: okay is lynn your aunt kimmi?
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: yes lynn is my aunt
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: okay her aunts husband is in jail.
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: oh...sorry.
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: oh yeah *waves* and i'm autumn
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: yea he is in jail for simple assult
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: whats that? (simple assult)
HI! *waves*
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: simmp;e assult is basically someone said he beat them up when he didnt
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: oh...okay. were you close to him?
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: yes he is my uncle i lived with him for awhile
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: awww...im sorry.
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: its okay *starts to cry*
2006-08-07 [bring sarah the horizon.]: ......okay.
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: heh....if i went suicidal over something that small i would have died a long time ago
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: hi cathy!
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: cathy i am really upset so can u please not start with me today please
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: kim your damn brother broke my nail!
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: good for u autumn
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: hey autumn...and im not starting anything...im just speaking the truth...
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: BUT HE BROKE MY NAIL DAMNIT! meh oh well its not a big deal i'll just grow it back out.
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: okay i dont care i am still upset about the opther night when we got in to it and i feel really bad about it
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: eek it uneven!*files it*
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: dont be...
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: better
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: ^^
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: so... I'm here... noone cares, oh well
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: -_- not this again....you just barely got here
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: i'm talking to you on aol good enough!
2006-08-07 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: o.o
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: I'm just kidding.
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: ok good`
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: yup. **climbs up the tree and falls asleep**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *gets up and runs around in circles again* weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *lays on the ground and falls asllep with a burnt thumb*
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: *laughs*
2006-08-07 [Dark Demon's Rose]: *still asleep*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **treelimb falls and I land on Autumn** Daggonit Autumn, you messed up my treelimb...
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *pushes him off gets back up and runs around in circles again* weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: *is amazed how much people talk*....
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: hiiiiiiiiiii garyyyyyyyyyyy
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: Hi Autumn...
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: ............
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: And Gary
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: YAY! i am visible! *cheers*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: where is Gary again?
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: *anime vein*.....look down....
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **pokes Autumn and the Gary, runs away**
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: *Follows and trips him* >.< DIE TALL HUMAN!
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **jumps over him** goodbye short human
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: WELL! *jumps and clings to your back* HA! *bites*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **dodges the bite and turns around, running the other way**
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: *hits the wall and holds nose* OUCH *crys*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: poor Gary **climbs up the tree and falls asleep**
2006-08-07 [Sky Chord]: *throws bottles*
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **dodges them except one that I catch**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: awwwwwwwwwwwws poor gary... dont worry i'm short too!
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **throws the plastic bottle in the pool**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [Elf_Person]: KISS ROCKS
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: *swims around* weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-07 [spartan glory]: **stands in the tree looking down at everyone**
2006-08-07 [Hinata-Chan]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2006-08-08 [Raiyr]: *raises a brow* Oookay...
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: XD *cant keep up with his own wiki*
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol i cant keep up qwith mine iether
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: T-T this ones bad
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: awwww
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: *hugs cathy* >.< But your good!
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: heehee
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: *huggles* YESH!
2006-08-08 [bring sarah the horizon.]: heyy
2006-08-08 [spartan glory]: Hello
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: *waves* HAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2006-08-08 [bring sarah the horizon.]: whats up?
2006-08-08 [spartan glory]: not much, bored
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: Nothing >.>...<.< *sniffs*
2006-08-08 [bring sarah the horizon.]: why sniff...r u crying??
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: *sniffs around* nope!
2006-08-08 [bring sarah the horizon.]: r u smelling for sumthing??
2006-08-08 [Dark Demon's Rose]: i ppl
2006-08-08 [spartan glory]: **climbs tree and stares at Gary**
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: *blinks* yes
2006-08-08 [spartan glory]: **looks away**
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: Yams....
2006-08-08 [She loves a ;:Rocker:; Kid]: I am the numbah one but I just was too late to claim my spot
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: *blinks*....Ra
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmfao XD
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: T-T she left before seeing that
2006-08-08 [spartan glory]: NO! I'M NUMBER 1!!! GET IT RIGHT!!!
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: *cracks up so hard* all i saw was "rachel you crackhead"
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: No....IM number one...YOU GET IT RIGHT! BIATCH XD
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: OO...........
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: XD i thought it was a pic
2006-08-08 [My Sky's The Limit]: lmao sowwy
2006-08-08 [Sky Chord]: -_- *hugs* i know......you smell pretty....lol
2006-08-09 [My Sky's The Limit]: Oo? XD
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: >.< *poke* HI!
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: hi gary and cathy
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: **stands mouth agate in bewilderment**
2006-08-09 [Dark Demon's Rose]: are you okay Gary???? *walks over to the lake*
2006-08-09 [Sky Chord]: *swims*
2006-08-09 [spartan glory]: **sits on the treelimb and ponders why my shoulder smells like sunburn**
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